Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Australia study Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Australia study - Annotated Bibliography Example The book is notable in that it was written to be an aid for those who teach Aboriginal culture and languages. This Victorian-era work is a broad stroke examination of the cultural history and practices of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia. It provides a quite detailed look at native languages and details specific phonological and grammatical aspects that have challenged English speakers. This venerable book presents an interesting overview of factors that aggravated the racist impulses of the ruling Anglo-Australian society. This work utilizes the work of linguists and anthropologists from around the world who have studied the demise of native languages in Australia. It pays special attention to the particular social contexts in which Aboriginal languages have been used and are used today. Languages are examined from a largely functional standpoint and from the perspective that government policies have damaged the vast majority past the point of reclamation. This seminal report is one of the most comprehensive compilations of the latest data concerning the state of Aboriginal languages. It presents a chronological account of the erosion of Aboriginal lifestyles and cultural traditions. It paints a bleak picture of the state of native languages in Australia, though it doesn’t waver from a strictly fact-based recitation. Co-written by an anthropologist and linguist, this book focuses on the close relation between the environment, culture and language. This highly academic work makes a convincing case for the preservation of native languages, explaining what is at stake in a world where more languages are at risk than ever before. The authors make the interesting point that losing native languages is wasteful in that rich scientific knowledge is lost forever. Schmidt’s disciplined academic approach to the subject includes an analysis of

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